Changes to the ACT in 2025
In response to the shorter, digital version of the SAT, the ACT announced that they too will be modifying their test. The two major problems students have with the ACT are (1) it takes too long to complete a full test and (2) they often do not have enough time to answer all the questions. These changes will tackle these concerns, making the ACT much more competitive with the SAT. Here is what we know for sure about the new ACT: What do we need to find out about the new ACT? What should students do about the new ACT?
Digital SAT Practice Rhetorical Synthesis #3
1. While researching a topic a student has taken the following notes: The student wants to educate her anatomy class as to why it is important for quadrupeds to have different spinal curves than humans. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal? A. The human spine differs from the spine of the quadruped in that it has only one curve instead of two. The human spine is curved in the antero-posterior aspect.B. The human spine needs more support than the spine of the quadruped and therefore has fewer curves.C. The spine of the
Digital SAT Reading Practice: Main Idea Questions
1. The following text is adapted from Robert Louis Stevenson’s 1888 book The Black Arrow—A Tale of the Two Roses:One afternoon, the bell upon Tunstall Moat House was heard ringing at an unaccustomed hour. Far and near, in the forest and in the fields along the river, people began to desert their labors and hurry towards the sound. By the bridge, there was a stone cross upon a knoll, and here a group had collected—half a dozen women and one tall fellow in a russet smock—discussing what the bell betided. An express had gone through the hamlet an hour before,
Successful Preparation for Successful ASVAB Testing
So you’re thinking about joining the armed services. Well, just like applying to many colleges, there is a test you’re going to need to take in order to set yourself up for success. It’s called the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The ASVAB tests a variety of things, from mechanical aptitude, to vocabulary. It’s a fairly fast paced test, so knowing what to expect and going into the test with a plan is a must. Keep in mind that your ASVAB score may impact your ability not just to get into a certain branch of the service, but to